Monday, December 10, 2007

interesting visit mr bush ; you speak of putting down differances in the white house video of this visit ; maybe you should listen to yourself ;

President Bush Meets with First Minister of Northern Ireland Ian Paisley and Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland Martin McGuinness
PRESIDENT BUSH: One of the great experiences for me during my presidency is to witness historic occasions, and I'm witnessing such an occasion with the arrival of Reverend Paisley and Mr. Martin McGuinness here to the White House. These two men are -- have dedicated themselves to embettering their -- Northern Ireland through their courage and conviction and desire to put aside the past and focus on a hopeful future
In 1956, Rev. Paisley abducted a 16 year old girl, Maura Lyons, who was in a dispute with her parents about joining the Free Presbyterian Church. He attempted to use her as an anti-Catholic propaganda stunt and would not inform police where she was. Paisley was later ordered in court never to go near the girl or her family again.
In 1959, the Presbyterian Moderator of Ireland was on tour of churches and visited a Catholic priest, the Rev. J. Wilson, whom he had befriended. Rev. Paisley described this act of human friendship as an act of "blasphemy".
In April, 1958, Rev. Paisley sponsored Juan Arrien, a Spanish ex-priest, who performed exaggerated "mock masses" as part of an anti-Catholic road show. When Fr. Murphy of Ballymurphy protested that a public facility was to be used for this sectarian, anti-Catholic show, Rev. Paisley responded in his magazine, Revivalist, "We know your church to be the mother of harlots and the abomination of the earth."
On June 17, 1959, at a Belfast rally, he publicly chastised "the men of the Shankill for allowing papists, pope's men, and papishers" to live on the Shankill Rd. Angry crowds went to the addresses called out by Paisley, burned out the occupants and looted their homes.
As religious ecumenism was progressing between Churches and Religions during the 1960s, a Catholic priest actually preached in Westminster Abbey and Protestant ministers were welcomed in Catholic churches, Mr. Paisley was -- and still is -- wild with recrimination and bigotry at any intra-religious experience or sharing of ideas.
In keeping with the above attitude, he called Pope John XXIII a "Roman anti-Christ" and his Church the "Harlot of Babylon". On June 3, when the Pope died, Paisley roared, "This romish man of sin is now in hell."
In May of 1968, during the height of the Civil Rights movement in the North, Paisley addressed a mob of 500 loyalists and burned a photograph of Prime Minister O'Neil who was shown to be visiting a Catholic convent the week before.
After inciting loyalists to burn Catholic families out of their homes, the Rev. Paisley explained the problem to the press: His exact words were "Catholic homes caught fire because they were loaded with petrol bombs; Catholic churches were attacked and burned because they were arsenals and priests handed out sub-machine guns to parishioners; and the massive discrimination in employment and shortage of houses for Catholics were simply because they breed like "rabbits" and multiply like "vermin".
William Beattie, a loyal lieutenant of Rev. Paisley, addressed a DUP Youth Group after the Anglo-Irish Accord was signed by the Dublin and London governments in 1986: "We must hire assassins to kill Catholics and pay them when the job is done."

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