Sunday, June 12, 2011

Apple Offers Free OS X Lion upgrade for all new Macs users..

Apple will provide a free upgrade to Mac OS X 10.7 to all customers who purchase a new Mac notebook or desktop before Lion ships next month,” Gregg Keizer reports.

“The Mac OS Lion Up-to-Date program will allow people who buy a new machine between June 6 and Lion’s release date to download the operating system free-of-charge, Apple said in a statement this week,” Keizer reports. “Like others who take Apple up on the Lion upgrade, the free copy will be available only through the Mac App Store, the online e-market Apple launched last January.”
Keizer reports, “On Monday, Apple announced that Lion would ship next month and cost $29.99. Users must request the free upgrade within 30 days of purchasing a new Mac; the deal closes 30 days after Lion is released.
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