Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Stitch in Time

This past week, my daughter and I have spent each day, side by side, quietly, together. She is in the hospital recovering, growing stronger with each day. We have settled into a routine and have each created our own creative 'comfort' space within her room. She with all the items above on her bed and me in a comfy chair by the window.

I sit with a bag of coloured yarn tending my hands to needlepoint and my daughter sits with one enormous pink ball of yarn by her side as she swiftly works her knitting needles. We have taken to our craft projects like two peas in a pod. She is teaching herself to knit a scarf which she believes is now starting to resemble a rag but either way she is knitting herself to good health. My project is ten years in the making, a Christmas stocking for my youngest son. I have made great progress and think that this just might be the year that he finally sees the finished project. As we sit and talk, our hands work in natural rhythm, up and over, in and out. With each stitch, I can feel her health improving.

Our routine has been the same each day. The pace has been calm and relaxing, just what the doctor ordered. As a mother, I am comforted to see and watch the people around her. The nurses, both men and women, have been fantastic. I have always had great admiration for people who have been drawn to the calling of looking after others. It is not an easy job and requires patience, skill and compassion. I have witnessed them all this week. Each day, a new shift, a new face and each one with the same enthusiasm to see the people around them return to good health.

Tomorrow, I leave New Zealand for England. I leave comforted knowing that she is in good hands and that in a short time, will be able to join us in England. In the meantime, she stitches, up and over, in and out, working her way to recovery.

Before I go, I want to thank you all for your many kind comments and thoughts for us both over the past week. I have been severely lacking in my blogging communication lately. I had hoped to have the time to catch up this past week but intermittent Internet access has made it difficult. In a way, it has been a blessing, as it has left us time to 'just be'.  I look forward to stopping by and saying hello when life settles down. In the meantime, best wishes to one and all for the week ahead. :) xx


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