Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Squeals of Delight

If you were standing in Heathrow airport this afternoon you would have heard squeals of delight when the lovely Kate and my daughter, Miss Claire first caught sight of each other. They were BFF (Best Friends Forever) in Auckland, where we moved from at the end of 2009.  Kate was one of the friends that was there at the end, the one who shared and passed the tissue with us as we spent the last day in the country we called home. Here we are seven months on and the lovely Kate has graced us with her warm smile and bubbly nature once again.

I was grinning from ear to ear on the ride home just listening to the two of them. You would never know that they talk on Facebook nearly every day and then some. No matter, you know what it is like when you catch up with someone you have not seen in a feels like it was just yesterday.

A gaggle of girls jumping with joy last year...

rowing together...

Not sure if they are checking out the races 
or the boys in their zooties:)

The effervescent Miss Kate

Kate travelled from New Zealand to England on her own...that kiwi ingenuity never ceases to amaze me.
Do you remember when you were 17?  A trip driving solo from my home town to the mall 
in the next town was about as far as I got and I thought that was pretty cool! 

I wanted to make sure Kate feels comfortable after a long journey
so I put on my thinking cap and thought like a teenager....

A little night time reading provided by Miss Claire...

Lots of pillows to sink back into and sigh...

Flowers from the garden to remind her of home...

A few essentials to wash away the memories of the flight...

Two weeks and lots to see...
They are going to have a ball!

Thought I would share a little teenage lingo with you that I picked up over dinner.
Ever wondered what all these abbreviations stand for that they use in their conversations?
I do and here is what they told me.

TTYL- talk to you later
TTFN- ta ta for now
TTFG- ta ta for good
BRB- be right back
NVM- never mind
WU2- what you up to?
NM- nothing much
JW- just wondering
DW- don't worry
GTG- got to go
BFF- best friends forever
ILY- i love you
LOL- laugh out loud and or lots of love

and one I made up BBF- best blogging friend

With that I say

Jeanne :)

First two images provided by another BFF 
other images~me

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