Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Mother's Tale...A Mother's Love

It is exam time in our household. The tension is mounting and Mom (that's me) is trying to stay calm. You would think by my fourth child that I would have this mastered but I never give up being anxious for them. English, Science, Maths, Religious Education, French, Geography, History and Maths and English again...all in three days and he is just 10. He asked me to help me with his Maths homework the other day and I nearly fainted. Crikey, have I really forgotten that much? Then again, I was not a model math student. My standard answer seems to be 'go ask your Father' . It is a worry when I hear the same reply on the other end. Poor little thing...my son, not my husband :)

On top of this I have been living in a sea of papers trying to sort out which school to apply to for his High School years. His school ends at 13 years of age and I have discovered that I am behind the eight ball in getting applications into the future school's. I am getting that 'what?, you haven't....???' kind of look from the mothers in the pick up line. The kind that makes you feel like the most useless parent in the world.

I have a list of both Boarding and Day schools. Boarding, yikes! I am sure you can imagine what that is like. My last child, my baby, in Boarding School at 13??  To top it off, I have to totally immerse myself in the English A Level system. Is there no end to the types of High School Certificates in this world?? I had to figure out the HSC in Australia, the NCEA in New Zealand, the IB at an International School in London and now I have to sort thru A Levels. I am thinking there should be a Certificate for parents that manage to understand just one let alone four.

Ok...now I am winging, but honestly, I am probably just looking for a little sympathy. Am I wrong to be feeling a bit sad that my lucky last is growing up? He turns 11 next week and I will miss his Birthday...the first time ever. I have a good excuse, as I will be in Australia for my eldest son's  University graduation. Still..my baby...going on 11. He is tall and lanky and already in size 14 clothes and has a mouth full of teeth that are two years ahead of schedule. I don't think I can hold him back for long. He is ready to grow and I am not. Well, I shouldn't say that, I am growing, just in a different sort of way :)

My lucky last, following Mom and Dad in Scotland.

A mother's tale... a mother's love.

images~ me

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